SELECT 'PCUCODE','CID','PID','DATEDX','CHRONIC','DATEDIS','TYPEDIS','D_UPDATE' UNION SELECT DISTINCT a.pcucode,a.cid,,a.datedx,a.chronic,a.datedis,a.typedis,a.d_update FROM ( SELECT h.hospitalcode as pcucode, p.cid, p.person_id as pid, DATE_FORMAT(c.regdate,'%Y%m%d') as datedx, REPLACE(cc.icd10,'.','') as chronic, '' as datedis , '03' as typedis, DATE_FORMAT(c.lastupdate,'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') as d_update FROM clinicmember c,clinic cc,patient pt,person p,opdconfig h WHERE AND AND pt.cid =p.cid AND cc.chronic='Y' AND c.discharge='N' AND p.house_regist_type_id in(1,3) AND c.regdate is not null UNION SELECT h.hospitalcode as pcucode, p.cid, p.person_id as pid, DATE_FORMAT(c.regdate,'%Y%m%d') as datedx, REPLACE(c.icd10,'.','') as chronic, '' as datedis , '03' as typedis, DATE_FORMAT(c.last_update,'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') as d_update FROM person_chronic c,person p,opdconfig h WHERE p.house_regist_type_id in(1,3) AND c.person_id=p.person_id AND (c.discharge ='N' or c.discharge is NULL) AND (c.chronic_discharge_status_id is null or c.chronic_discharge_status_id=3) AND c.regdate is not null ) as a INTO OUTFILE 'c:/chronic.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'